Thursday 16 May 2013

Service Product

Hi Nicholas! There are several nature of service and products in Singapore Flyer.

 The staff involved in producing and delivering the product are part of the product itself
Before I entered the cabin, the staff at Singapore Flyer will greet me with a warm smile and guide me into the capsule. I find them very friendly and approachable which is one of the main concerns when it comes to the staff involved in producing and delivering the product itself. Also if there is any accidents that occur, visitors might be lost about what to do next, therefore the staff must be there to guide the visitors and it is important for them to facilitate the process.

The customers themselves are involved in the production process
To allow the visitors themselves to be involved in the production process, the visitors are able to experience the great scenery of Singapore themselves through the the ride on the flyer. However, since the capsule is an enclosed space, it will be very distracting if other visitors were to speak loudly. This will affect one's experience at Singapore Flyer.  

The service product is not standardized
The service product is not standardise as they offer different timings for all the different packages available like the Singapore Sling flight and high tea. As there are different types of guest, their needs and wants would naturally differ as well.
The product is perishable, cannot be stored
The admission ticket of the Singapore Flyer cannot be stored for later use as in it is a one day admission ticket. Therefore the product is perishable and cannot be stored for later use. All the services provided on that day cannot be inspected, exchanged or refunded, if the received unsatisfied experience.

There is no tangible product to carry home
It is also not a tangible product as you cannot bring the whole experience and scenery home. It all has to be experienced at Singapore Flyer itself and there is no other way visitors can received it at other attractions.

The surroundings of the service delivery process are a feature of the service
Singapore Flyer allows the visitors to view the city skyline through the glass observatories and provides the visitors with the best views of the different places in Singapore. This allows them to take beautiful and memorable pictures from where they are viewing from.

I will share with you about Singapore Flyer promoting themselves and the impacts on my next post! Goodnight!